job opportunities

ذو خبرة، قائد فريق، متوسط الخبرة
عن بعد
4K - 8K DOP / شهريا

حول هذا المنصب

Dacon Engineering is seeking highly motivated and qualified individuals from the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, South America and Asia with the passion to contribute or provide excellent service in the North America Zone.


  • The job opportunities require highly skilled individuals with reasonable experience and competence to work in Dacon Oil installations as well as facilities.

  • Immigrants all over the world move to the UK for a desirable standard of living with high earnings and better career growth opportunities. Irrespective of the skill-sets and the occupation they have work experience in UK, offers attractive pay scales to lead a stable life in the country.


  • All registered agents and interested candidates should kindly send their CV/Resumes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ما ستحصل عليه

  • The job opportunities require highly skilled individuals with reasonable experience and competence to work in Dacon Oil installations as well as facilities.

شروط التوظيف

نوع الوظيفة
عقد محدود
جدول العمل
دوام كامل
اقرب موعد للبدء
بدء فوري
ساعات العمل
8h / أسبوع
إجازة غير محدودة
فترة اختبار العمل
لا فترة اختبار
فترة إشعار العمل
لا فترة إشعار


4000 – 8000 DOP / شهريا
No المكافأة
أسهم الشركة
No أسهم الشركة
تم التحديث في 20 فبراير 2023
المناصب لملء 1
طلبات وظائف 0