Registered Nurse (Diagnostic Medical Center)

من المكتب
19K - 20K PHP / شهريا

حول هذا المنصب

As a Registered Nurse in a Premium Diagnostic Medical Center, you will be the point person who will provide Client Care / Monitoring, prepare clients (mainly Walk-In and Agency/Corporate Job Applicants) for Diagnostic / Laboratory Tests, administer medications, collect specimens and send those to the laboratory, assist Laboratory Technicians, answer questions / explain a certain procedure/test, enter the results into the Client's Medical Records / upload these into our Clinic Database / System, and assist our Doctors, Overall Nurse, or Clinic Department Heads in their required task/s, if any.


  • A Registered Nurse who can successfully act as the point person in a Premium Diagnostic Medical Center -- to provide Client Care / Monitoring, prepare clients (mainly Walk-In and Agency/Corporate Job Applicants) for Diagnostic / Laboratory Tests, administer medications, collect specimens and send those to the laboratory, assist Laboratory Technicians, answer questions / explain a certain procedure/test, enter the results into the Client's Medical Records / upload these into our Clinic Database / System, and assist our Doctors, Overall Nurse, or Clinic Department Heads in their required task/s, if any.


  • 1. Prepares clients (mainly Walk-In and Agency/Corporate Job Applicants) for Diagnostic / Laboratory Tests by helping in administering medications, collecting specimens, sterilizing an area for a procedure, and sending samples to the laboratory, among others

  • 2. Gathers, prepares, and checks paraphernalia and equipment needed for the Laboratory or Medical Tests and Examinations

  • 3. Assists Laboratory Technicians and ensures the Tests are performed on the clients efficiently and effectively.

  • 4. Helps prepare clients for testing by answering questions and explaining a certain procedure/test, and possible outcomes

  • 5. Monitors the clients' current medical condition by checking their vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, breathing rate), and assessing their general physical condition

  • 6. Follows up on and reports the Medical Test Results to our Doctors or Overall Nurse, who will provide the diagnosis for a possible condition or disease

  • 7. Notifies our Doctors for any abnormal or critical results that require an urgent response

  • 8. Enters the results into the Client's Medical Records and uploading them into our Clinic Database / System

  • 9. Generally provides Client Care / Monitoring.

  • 10. Assists our Doctors, Overall Nurse, or Clinic Department Heads in their required task/s, if any

ما ستحصل عليه

  • You will enjoy the opportunity to leverage the Company's UVPs or Unique Value Propositions (OCARE or Outs

شروط التوظيف

نوع الوظيفة
عقد دائم
جدول العمل
دوام كامل
اقرب موعد للبدء
بدء فوري
ساعات العمل
44h / أسبوع
إجازة غير محدودة
فترة اختبار العمل
6 اشهر
فترة إشعار العمل
لا فترة إشعار
العمل من المنزل في الأسبوع
day(s) home office / week


19000 – 20000 PHP / شهريا
No المكافأة
أسهم الشركة
No أسهم الشركة

استحقاقات الموظفين

خصومات الشركات
تم التحديث في 23 فبراير 2023
المناصب لملء 1
طلبات وظائف 0