Resume Writer

طالب، مبتدئ، متوسط الخبرة
عن بعد
15 - 250 USD / شهريا

حول هذا المنصب

Jackson Square Company is a recruiting company that also provides services such as resume editing services, consulting, advising and coaching, full resume rebuild, LinkedIn optimization, and networking services. We have a global team of experts specializing in different fields and are here to ensure every client is 100% satisfied with our service. We are looking for a talented resume writer to write personalized and targeted resumes for our customers around the US to help them find a job. This includes resumes, CVs, cover letters, thank you letters, etc.


  • Strong English writing skills

  • Creating cover letters, follow-up letters, and summaries from scratch with client-provided data.

  • Direct interaction with consultants as necessary by WhatsApp, Skype, or email.


  • Excellent written and verbal English communication skills

  • 2+ years of experience in a similar position

  • Good command of MS Word and Google Docs, the ability to edit resume templates

  • Ability to respect deadlines and good communication

  • Solid understanding of various industries and job functions including entry-level, technical, professional, and executive roles

  • Knowledge of different resume formats, ATS capabilities, and the ability to determine the best formats for clients

  • Prior experience in HR and certification from one of the major career organizations (CPRW, CRS, etc.) preferred

ما ستحصل عليه

  • This is a remote position and the resume writer will be compensated for a fixed amount for each customer served.

شروط التوظيف

نوع الوظيفة
عقد دائم
جدول العمل
جدول مرن
اقرب موعد للبدء
بدء فوري
ساعات العمل
30h / أسبوع
No Vacation
فترة اختبار العمل
لا فترة اختبار
فترة إشعار العمل
لا فترة إشعار


15 – 250 USD / شهريا
No المكافأة
أسهم الشركة
No أسهم الشركة
تم التحديث في 06 مارس 2023
المناصب لملء 5
طلبات وظائف 0