Social Media and Events Manager

متوسط الخبرة
من المكتب
700 - 1.7K EUR / شهريا

حول هذا المنصب

Edenrise is known for hosting interdenominational events which have had a great success in in encouraging in coming together and worshipping our Christian faith.

This position is responsible to run social media for Edenrise, across all platforms with goals for marketing growth and success, keeping up with current trends, and taking leadership of the media team to oversee the production of content each week. This team member is focused on content creation (through photography and graphic design), social media mapping and execution, and creative asset language that supports the organisation overall. The ideal candidate is passionate about Jesus, powerful storytelling, and championing the vision of many ministries. This team member is driven by a desire to create and share excellent faith-related content that can have an immediate and far-reaching impact through social media accounts and other channels. This includes helping out with events and looking for funding for increased growth.


  • - Passionately strive to live the abundant life found in Christ by nurturing that relationship through self-driven discipleship and personal worship.

  • - Conduct life with the utmost integrity in all situations.

  • -Able to work in a team, be reliable, motivated and friendly


  • We are looking for:

  • - Be able to create graphics that are creative and communicate the vision

  • - Ability to work in a team and or independent professional manner.

  • - Manage time and schedules well, and meet deadlines consistently.

  • - Knowledge of marketing concepts, terms and strategies.

  • - Keen attention to detail when proofreading, copyediting, and fact-checking

  • - Ability to take photos and edit them in an efficient manner

ما ستحصل عليه

  • Accommodation, a great team, flexibility, community and fellowship, faith and career growth, learn new skills, work for God's Kingdom and co-labouring in exciting events.

شروط التوظيف

نوع الوظيفة
عقد دائم
جدول العمل
دوام كامل
اقرب موعد للبدء
بدء فوري
ساعات العمل
40h / أسبوع
إجازة غير محدودة
فترة اختبار العمل
لا فترة اختبار
فترة إشعار العمل
لا فترة إشعار
العمل من المنزل في الأسبوع
day(s) home office / week


700 – 1700 EUR / شهريا
No المكافأة
أسهم الشركة
No أسهم الشركة

استحقاقات الموظفين

المساعدة في التنقل / السفر
تم التحديث في 20 فبراير 2023
المناصب لملء 1
طلبات وظائف 0