Solar Sales Engineer

مندوب مبيعات
مبتدئ، متدرب، متوسط الخبرة
10.006K - 100100.005K USD / سنويا

حول هذا المنصب

Mashriq Energy is looking for an inside Solar Sales Engineer, who supports sales productivity in store.
The candidate should collaborate with sales, service, engineering, and technical support resources to ensure proposed deals include technical solutions that accurately address the customer’s needs, and are appropriately supported by key customer technical decision-makers. The candidate is responsible for achieving a profit and productivity quota made up of the combined expectations of the sales resources, market, and/or channel supported.


  • Mashriq Energy is looking for an inside Solar Sales Engineer, who supports sales productivity in store.

  • The candidate should collaborate with sales, service, engineering, and technical support resources to ensure proposed deals include technical solutions that accurately address the customer’s needs, and are appropriately supported by key customer technical decision-makers. The candidate is responsible for achieving a profit and productivity quota made up of the combined expectations of the sales resources, market, and/or channel supported.


  • Mashriq Energy is looking for an inside Solar Sales Engineer, who supports sales productivity in store.

  • The candidate should collaborate with sales, service, engineering, and technical support resources to ensure proposed deals include technical solutions that accurately address the customer’s needs, and are appropriately supported by key customer technical decision-makers. The candidate is responsible for achieving a profit and productivity quota made up of the combined expectations of the sales resources, market, and/or channel supported.

ما ستحصل عليه

  • Mashriq Energy is looking for an inside Solar Sales Engineer, who supports sales productivity in store.

  • The candidate should collaborate with sales, service, engineering, and technical support resources to ensure proposed deals include technical solutions that accurately address the customer’s needs, and are appropriately supported by key customer technical decision-makers. The candidate is responsible for achieving a profit and productivity quota made up of the combined expectations of the sales resources, market, and/or channel supported.

شروط التوظيف

نوع الوظيفة
عقد دائم
جدول العمل
دوام كامل
اقرب موعد للبدء
01 Nov 2023
ساعات العمل
84h / أسبوع
15 days / سنة
فترة اختبار العمل
3 اشهر
فترة إشعار العمل
2 أسبوع
العمل من المنزل في الأسبوع
6 day(s) home office / week


1 – 5 USD / سنويا
5 – 100000 USD / سنويا
أسهم الشركة
10000 – 100000000 USD / يوميًا

استحقاقات الموظفين

قواعد اللباس الكاجوال
التأمين على الحياة
طاولة كرة المضرب
تم التحديث في 20 فبراير 2023
المناصب لملء 1
طلبات وظائف 0